AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG Banner Image

AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG

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  • Industry Building Materials Wholesale More
  • Sector Industrial Goods More
AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG Logo Image
  • 5001-10,000 Employees
  • Based in Arbon, Switzerland
Arbonia AG operates as a building supplier in Switzerland, Germany, and internationally. The company operates through four divisions: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Sanitary Equipment, Windows, and Doors. It offers heating, air-conditioning, and ventilation technology products, including fan coils, heat pumps, radiant panels, radiators, surface temperature control systemsMore, unit heaters, and ventilation systems under the Kermi, Arbonia, Sabiana, Prolux, Vasco, Tecna, Superia, and Brugman brands; and sanitary equipment, such as arcrylic bathtubs and shower trays, shower enclosures and areas, and shower stalls under the Baduscho, Kermi, and Koralle brands. The company also develops, produces, assembles, and sells a range of windows and exterior doors comprising vinyl, aluminum, and wood windows, as well as lift-and-slide doors, front doors, and shade solutions under the Dobroplast, EgoKiefer, Slovaktual, and Wertbau brands; and interior and functional doors, and frames under the Garant, Invado, Prüm, and RWD Schlatter brands. The company was formerly known as AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG and changed its name to Arbonia AG in December 2016. Arbonia AG was founded in 1874 and is headquartered in Arbon, Switzerland.
4.8 / 5.0 (131)

AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 131 reviews.

AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG

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AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG Logo Image

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