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Blancco Technology Group plc

  • Ticker BLTG
    Exchange LSE More
  • Industry Information Technology Services More
  • Sector Technology More
Blancco Technology Group plc Logo Image
  • 201-500 Employees
  • Based in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Blancco Technology Group plc, together with its subsidiaries, provides mobile device diagnostics and data erasure services in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Asia Pacific, and internationally. It offers Blancco Drive Eraser, which erases sensitive data from servers, laptops, desktops, and drives; Blancco File Eraser, a file erasure software, which erases sensitive files and foldersMore from PC desktop computers, laptops, and servers; and Blancco Removable Media Eraser, a data sanitization software that erases data from removable media, including USB drives, SD cards, micro drives, compactflash cards, and other flash memory storage devices. The company also provides Blancco LUN Eraser, which erases data in active storage environments; Blancco Virtual Machine Eraser, a hypervisor erasure software that destroys data when virtual machines are no longer needed; Blancco Management Console, a centralized data erasure reporting solution; and Blancco Network Device Eraser that permanently removes sensitive information from network switches and routers, including network configurations, IP addresses, cached files, user credentials, and user data. In addition, it offers Blancco Hardware Solutions, which erases data on loose drives and enclosures on premise at data centers or IT facilities. The company was formerly known as Regenersis Plc and changed its name to Blancco Technology Group plc in April 2016. Blancco Technology Group plc was founded in 1997 and is based in Huntingdon, the United Kingdom.
4.8 / 5.0 (100)

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Blancco Technology Group plc

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