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Celsius Holdings, Inc.

  • Ticker CELH
    Exchange NASDAQ More
  • Industry Beverages - Soft Drinks More
  • Sector Consumer Goods More
Celsius Holdings, Inc. Logo Image
  • 51-200 Employees
  • Based in Boca Raton, Florida
Celsius Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: CELH), is a global company with a proprietary, clinically proven formula for its master brand CELSIUS® and all its sub-brands. A lifestyle fitness drink and a pioneer in the rapidly growing performance energy sector, CELSIUS® has five beverage lines that each offer proprietary, functional, healthy-energy formulas clinically proven to offer significant healthMore benefits to its users. The five lines include, CELSIUS® Originals, CELSIUS HEAT™, CELSIUS® BCAA +Energy, CELSIUS® On-the-Go, and CELSIUS® Sweetened with Stevia. CELSIUS® has zero sugar, no preservatives, no aspartame, no high fructose corn syrup, and is non-GMO, with no artificial flavors or colors. The CELSIUS® line of products is Certified Kosher and Vegan. CELSIUS® is also soy and gluten-free and contains very little sodium. CELSIUS® is backed by six university studies that were published in peer-reviewed journals validating the unique benefits CELSIUS® provides. CELSIUS® is sold nationally at Target, CVS, Walmart, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, 7-Eleven, Dick’s Sporting Goods, The Fresh Market, Sprouts and other key regional retailers such as HEB, Publix, Winn-Dixie, Harris Teeter, Shaw’s and Food Lion. It is also available on Amazon, at fitness clubs and in select micro-markets across the country.
Celsius Holdings, Inc.

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Celsius Holdings, Inc.

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