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Crestwood Equity Partners LP

  • Ticker CEQP
    Exchange NASDAQ More
  • Industry Oil & Gas Midstream More
  • Sector Energy More
Crestwood Equity Partners LP Logo Image
  • 501-1000 Employees
  • Based in Houston, Texas
Crestwood Equity Partners LP is a publicly traded master limited partnership. Crestwoods operations include a natural gas storage business in Texas and an NGL and crude oil services business that serves customers in the United States and Canada. Through its general partner interest in Crestwood Mistream Partners, Crestwood Equity Partners is also engaged in the development and operationMore of natural gas, NGL and crude oil gathering, processing, storage, and transportation assets in multiple unconventional shale plays across the United States.
4.8 / 5.0 (39)

Crestwood Equity Partners LP reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 39 reviews.

Crestwood Equity Partners LP

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Crestwood Equity Partners LP
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Our service enables potential investors to review the most recent and archived Crestwood Equity Partners LP Sustainability Report, Crestwood Equity Partners LP Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Crestwood Equity Partners LP CSR Report, Crestwood Equity Partners LP Corporate Responsibility, Crestwood Equity Partners LP CR Report, Crestwood Equity Partners LP Citizenship Report, Crestwood Equity Partners LP ESG Report, and Crestwood Equity Partners LP Environmental Report online.
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