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ENI S.p.A.

  • Ticker E
    Exchange NYSE More
  • Industry Oil & Gas Equipment & Services More
  • Sector Energy More
ENI S.p.A. Logo Image
  • 10,000+ Employees
  • Based in Rome, Italy
Eni is an energy company employing about 31,000 people in 66 countries around the world. Eni engages in oil and natural gas exploration, field development and production, as well as in the supply, trading and shipping of natural gas, LNG, electricity, fuels and chemical products. Eni operates in the renewable energy business through the development of plants for the production of greenMore energy, including the conversion of disused industrial sites through safety, reclamation and environmental restoration initiatives. Eni’s strategies, resource allocation processes and day-to-day operations underpin the delivery of sustainable value to all of their stakeholders, respecting the countries where the company operates and the people who work for and with Eni. Eni’s drivers for the development of sustainable value include: integrity in business management; support with countries’ development; operational excellence; innovation in achieving competitive solutions and renewable energies; inclusion of Eni’s people and enhancement of their skills and know-how; and the integration of financial and non-financial issues relating to decision-making and company processes.
4.8 / 5.0 (81)

ENI S.p.A. reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 81 reviews.

ENI S.p.A.

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ENI S.p.A.
MOST RECENT 2023 Sustainability Performance Report

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Archived Responsibility Reports

Our service enables potential investors to review the most recent and archived ENI S.p.A. Sustainability Report, ENI S.p.A. Corporate Social Responsibility Report, ENI S.p.A. CSR Report, ENI S.p.A. Corporate Responsibility, ENI S.p.A. CR Report, ENI S.p.A. Citizenship Report, ENI S.p.A. ESG Report, and ENI S.p.A. Environmental Report online.
ENI S.p.A. Logo Image

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