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Envista Holdings Corporation

  • Ticker NVST
    Exchange NYSE More
  • Industry Medical Instruments & Supplies More
  • Sector Healthcare More
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  • 10,000+ Employees
  • Based in Brea, California
Envista is a global dental products company that develops and provides a comprehensive portfolio of dental consumables, equipment, and services to dental professionals, covering an estimated 90% of dentists' clinical needs for diagnosing, treating, and preventing dental conditions as well as improving the aesthetics of the human smile. Their global family of more than 12,000 associatesMore and 30 trusted dental brands is united by a shared purpose: they partner with professionals to improve lives. They help their customers deliver the best possible patient care through industry-leading dental consumables, technology, and services. Their core values define their work and make them a trusted partner to more than one million dentists in over 150 countries. Envista (NYSE: NVST) launched via initial public offering in September 2019. They generate annual revenues of approximately $2.8 billion (2019) and have a legacy of success, including the proven Envista Business System methodology, an experienced leadership team, and a culture grounded in continuous improvement, commitment to innovation, and deep customer focus.
4.8 / 5.0 (142)

Envista Holdings Corporation reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 142 reviews.

Envista Holdings Corporation

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