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Generation Investment Management LLP

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Generation Investment Management LLP Logo Image
  • 51-200 Employees
  • Based in London, England
Generation Investment Management LLP was established in 2004 as an independent, private, investment management partnership with offices in London and San Francisco. The Generation team represents a diverse mix of people from around the world representing more than 20 countries and speaking over 25 languages. Their investment team was founded by bringing together seasoned investment analystsMore with leaders from the sustainability research field. Generation's investment approach is based on their conviction that sustainability risks and opportunities directly affect long-term business profitability. They believe the interests of shareholders, over time, will be best served by companies that maximise their financial return by strategically managing their economic, social and environmental performance.
4.8 / 5.0 (80)

Generation Investment Management LLP reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 80 reviews.

Generation Investment Management LLP

Most Recent Responsibility Report

Generation Investment Management LLP
MOST RECENT 2023 Sustainability Trends Report

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Our service enables potential investors to review the most recent and archived Generation Investment Management LLP Sustainability Report, Generation Investment Management LLP Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Generation Investment Management LLP CSR Report, Generation Investment Management LLP Corporate Responsibility, Generation Investment Management LLP CR Report, Generation Investment Management LLP Citizenship Report, Generation Investment Management LLP ESG Report, and Generation Investment Management LLP Environmental Report online.
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