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Integrated Diagnostics Holdings plc

  • Ticker IDHC
    Exchange LSE More
    LSE More
  • Industry Diagnostic Substances More
  • Sector Healthcare More
Integrated Diagnostics Holdings plc Logo Image
  • 5001-10,000 Employees
  • Based in Saint Helier, Jersey
Integrated Diagnostics Holdings plc is a leading consumer healthcare company in the Middle East and Africa with operations in Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Nigeria. The Group’s core brands include Al Borg, Al Borg Scan and Al Mokhtabar in Egypt, as well as Biolab (Jordan), Ultralab and Al Mokhtabar Sudan (both in Sudan) and Echo-Lab (Nigeria). A long track record for quality and safety has earnedMore the company a trusted reputation, as well as internationally recognized accreditations for its portfolio of over 1,400 diagnostics tests. From its base of 471 branches as of 30 September 2020. Beyond organic growth, the group’s expansion plans include acquisitions in new Middle Eastern and African markets where its model is well-suited to capitalize on similar healthcare and consumer trends and capture a significant share of fragmented markets. IDH has been a Jersey-registered entity with a Standard Listing on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (ticker: IDHC) since May 2015.
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Integrated Diagnostics Holdings plc

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