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  • 10,000+ Employees
  • Based in Augsburg, Germany
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft, an automation company, provides robot-based automation solutions worldwide. It operates through five segments: Systems, Robotics, Swisslog, Swisslog Healthcare, and China. The company offers solutions for automating manufacturing processes, including body production, and engines and transmissions assembling; and systems, such as individual system components, toolsMore and fixtures, automated production cells, and turnkey systems for the automotive industry. It also provides industrial robots, robot controllers, cells, and software. In addition, the company offers automated solutions for hospitals, warehouses, and distribution centers. It serves customers in the automotive, electronics, e-commerce/retail, consumer goods, and healthcare industries. The company was formerly known as Industrie-Werke Karlsruhe Augsburg Aktiengesellschaft and changed its name to KUKA Aktiengesellschaft in 2007. The company was founded in 1898 and is headquartered in Augsburg, Germany. KUKA Aktiengesellschaft is a subsidiary of Midea Group CO., Ltd.
4.8 / 5.0 (68)

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