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The First, A National Banking Association

  • Ticker FBMS
    Exchange NASDAQ More
  • Industry Financial Services More
  • Sector Financial More
The First, A National Banking Association Logo Image
  • 501-1000 Employees
  • Based in Hattiesburg , Mississippi
The First, A National Banking Association ("The First"​) is owned by the holding company, The First Bancshares, Inc. Incorporated on June 23, 1995, the holding company is located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The First began operating on August 5, 1996 from its home office in the Oak Grove community in Hattiesburg. The First has aggressively expanded since its beginning thru organic growthMore and acquisitions. The Bank currently has 71 locations in South Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.
5.0 / 5.0 (1)

The First, A National Banking Association reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 5.0 based on 1 reviews.

The First, A National Banking Association

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The First, A National Banking Association
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Our service enables potential investors to review the most recent and archived The First, A National Banking Association Sustainability Report, The First, A National Banking Association Corporate Social Responsibility Report, The First, A National Banking Association CSR Report, The First, A National Banking Association Corporate Responsibility, The First, A National Banking Association CR Report, The First, A National Banking Association Citizenship Report, The First, A National Banking Association ESG Report, and The First, A National Banking Association Environmental Report online.
The First, A National Banking Association Logo Image

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