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Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S.

  • Ticker TIBD
    Exchange LSE More
  • Industry --None-- More
  • Sector Financial More
Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Logo Image
  • 10,000+ Employees
  • Based in Istanbul, Turkey
Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S. provides various banking products and services. The company offers corporate and commercial banking services, including project financing, operating and investment loans, deposit and cash management, credit cards, cheques and bills, foreign trade transactions and financing, letter of guarantees and credits, forfeiting, foreign currency trading, bill collectionsMore, payrolls, investment accounts, tax collections, and other banking services to large corporations, SMEs, and other trading companies. It also provides retail banking services, such as deposits, consumer loans, overdraft accounts, credit cards, bill collections, remittances, foreign currency trading, safe-deposit boxes, insurance, tax collections, investment accounts, and other banking services; private banking services comprising various financial and cash management related services; and internet and mobile banking services. In addition, the company engages in securities trading, money market transactions, spot and installment based TL, and foreign currency trading; derivative transactions, such as forwards, swaps, futures, and options; and syndications and securitizations, as well as investment banking activities. Further, it is involved in insurance and reinsurance, private pensions, finance leasing, factoring, real estate investment, venture capital investment, brokerage, investment advisory, and portfolio and asset management businesses. As of December 31, 2020, the company operated through a network of 1,227 branches in Turkey; 15 branches in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; 2 branches in the United Kingdom; 2 branches in Kosovo; 2 branches in Iraq; and 1 branch in Bahrain, as well as 6,521 ATMs. Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S. was incorporated in 1924 and is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey.
5.0 / 5.0 (1)

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Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S.

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Türkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Logo Image

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